Student exchange programs
UBC Sciences Po Dual Degree allows students to spend two years in France (in one of the three anglophones campuses) and two years at UBC in one their two well-known campuses: The Faculty of Arts et The Sauder School of Business. This dual degree program is the first of its kind for UBC. The first promotion will graduate in May 2017.
Discover the two campus in video.
The two universities have an exchange program and France is SFU’s most active country for the study abroad programs. In 2015, France was the country where the majority of SFU students went, and from where it received the most students.
The partnership with Uvic dates back to 1998 so almost twenty years and both universities are keen to strengthen it.
Quick facts about Sciences Po in Canada
Sciences Po Paris currently has 16 partnerships with Canadian Universities which represents about 150 student placements. Canada is the third country where French students go during their third year.
Did you know ?
Some of Canada’s most renowned figures studied at Sciences Po such as Stéphane Dion and Pierre Trudeau.
For more information
- Sciences Po - UBC Dual Degree.
- Sciences Po - SFU Dual Degree.
- Sciences Po - Uvic Dual Degree.
- France’s Higher Education agency which provides information about University majors, accommodation, etc: Campus France.